Pornhub’s website site visitors surged after YouTube transpired |

In just one of those odd twists of fate, online mature gay sex videos sites Pornhub watched a rise in website traffic during
Tuesday night’s YouTube outage
, maybe answering the riddle of what America watches once they can’t access outdated wrestling movies or Beyoncé films.

According to data
circulated by Pornhub

(Opens in a tab)

, the website noticed a trend of additional visitors late Tuesday night. Visitors surged to 12 % above regular at around 9 p.m. ET, when the outage was well documented, climaxing with a 21 % boost over normal website traffic around 10 p.m. ET.

Website traffic dropped precipitously once YouTube’s service had been restored, dropping to a little substandard numbers around midnight although the world-watched movies of
squirrels waterskiing

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dogs skateboarding

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to tell themselves that, yes, our company is live.

Based on Pornhub

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, that’s “a substantial boost by many additional people during Pornhub’s maximum evening hours.”

Below you will see the most known keywords from that window, too.

We view you, “fart” searchers

Credit: Pornhub

Whether or not that spike had been only triggered by YouTube’s outage is not recognized; it will be an incident in which correlation does not equivalent causation. Nonetheless, considering the dark colored instances we live-in, it’s not unthinkable to think that individuals made use of that outage to take some slack
from Jake Paul documentaries
and try to let their hair down a bit.